Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona
TheHospital Quirónsalud Barcelona offers comprehensive high-quality care in all medical and surgical specialties, and has achieved the most important successes in the area of oncology and radiotherapy, minimally invasive surgery, in cardiovascular interventional and surgical treatment, in neurosurgery, orthopedics and traumatology, as well as in assisted reproduction, plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine. The expert hands of its specialists, world-renowned authorities, are the pride and commitment of the hospital.
In terms of cutting-edge technology, it has the most modern equipment and has the most advanced diagnostic techniques (such as the PET-CTor genetic and molecular diagnosis) and therapies such as robotic surgery with the Da Vinci Surgical System, Neuronavigation, Intracranial Stereotactic Surgery (SRT), Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT), Percutaneous Radiofrequency Tumor Ablation and many others, performed in the hospital’s smart operating rooms.